Monday, November 16, 2015

Leadership is starting a Mexican wave

If you have ever been to a major sporting event you would have witnessed and maybe taken part in a Mexican wave.
I would like to suggest some similarities between leadership and the person who starts a Mexican wave.

You need to have a vision, you are asking people to join with you in creating something big and exciting.

You need to be passionate and excited about your vision and believe in it.

You need to be clear with what you are wanting to achieve.

You need to create ownership and buy in, people need to grab hold of what you are proposing.

Not everyone is going to grab hold of what you are wanting to achieve.

People who have been there along time might not be as excited, let’s call them the "members stand".

Sometimes it might take a few goes before people grab hold of what you want to achieve.

You get to stand back and watch something great.

You rejoice as a team when it works.

(Every Mexican wave is when you start something, an event, a program, make a change.)


Goldy said...

It's a good illustration. I like it. said...

Hi Tim, thanks for the encouragement, it's just the start of some of my thinking.