Friday, February 01, 2013

Tumblin’ Monkeys

monkeys by James Veltmeyer TAS
monkeys, a photo by James Veltmeyer TAS on Flickr.

Will and Heidi like monkeys.
I call them Will Monkey and Heidi Monkey

We have been playing a game called Tumblin’ Monkeys
It’s just like Kerplunk, but instead of marbles it has little plastic monkeys.

Well, you might know that with Kerplunk the aim is to try and NOT get any marbles to fall down.
And it’s the same with Tumblin’ Monkeys.... but it’s not the same to Will and Heidi.

Because they like monkeys the aim is to try and get as many monkeys as you can.

It’s made me think.
In ministry am I doing things the same way all the time because that is how I have always done it.

Maybe I need to start thinking about different ways of doing things and come at things at a different angle.

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