Friday, October 12, 2012


Refresh002(04) by James Veltmeyer TAS
Refresh002(04), a photo by James Veltmeyer TAS on Flickr.

Last Friday we had a combined Youth Event at St Mark’s Bellerive – Refresh.
There was a youth service, preaching, fire touching & breathing, giant jenga, jumping castle, strength tester, bbq, face painting, indoor soccer, table tennis, Wii and fairy floss!

We have been hovering around 100 people the last few years.
We had between 130-150 people there.
We were praying, hoping and wanting 130 youth and we got it

On the response cards handful of youth said they prayed the prayer to become a Christian for the first time, which is great.

The vast majority of them ticked the box that said: I’m already a Christian.
It’s easy to forget how great this is.
This is something to rejoice in.

We need to be encourage by both responses

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