Wednesday, March 11, 2015


We live in a world where we want instant results.
People ask me where they can get good material for children's and youth ministry.
And there are good resources out there and many people just don't know what to do and so good material gives them the direction they need.

I would like to encourage you to have a go at writing material for yourself.

Recently a friend ran a crèche age program, parents that were there with their child said it was excellent and are looking forward to when she is on again.
She was given 10 pages of material.
She used none of the material given to her!
4 hours later she was ready.

She had to think.
She knew her material
She would have grown by spending time digesting the topic.
And yes it did take 4 hours.

Friends that is ministry

Spend the time, it's time well spent.

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