Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Will's bed

Will's bed by james veltmeyer
Will's bed, a photo by james veltmeyer on Flickr.

Anita renovated a bed for Will. (She did sub contract some of the work out to me, but she did most of it.)

It’s a rewarding thing.
To be able to stand back and say, “I did that.”
What’s even more rewarding is that Will uses it.

Nights I’m home I put Will to bed and pray with him.
The other night he pointed to the bed, so I lay next him and started reading a bit of his book.
A page latter (that is about 5 words later), he pointed to the door.

That’s 2 yellow cards so I left.

Being a parent is never boring.
The more they learn, the more you learn.

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