Monday, October 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer
Last Friday night we had a combined Youth Event with other Anglican churches in Hobart. The night went really well. I spoke from Lk 15:11-24 (Prodigal Son) that the relationship you can have with God is unconditional.

# Night went well.
# Many young people came.
# People became Christians.
# Christians were encouraged.

# Good time with God together.
# God will strengthen us as a family.
# Follow up.
# Debrief.


Gavin said...

Hey jim,
Just found your blog again.

INteretsed in your Luke talk. Lynette has just given us a book called "the Prodigal God". Have you got it? By TIm Keller. plohl8b8=============- (thats Angus saying hello)
We haven't read it yet, looking forward to reading it with nell. said...

G'day Gav

I don't, but anything by Tim Keller would be good.
Enjoy the read.

Hope everything is going well up north.

email me some prayer points.

Cheers James