Sunday, November 05, 2006


Originally uploaded by james veltmeyer.
The dreaded exams are looming (oh dear!). This week is stuvac & I'm supposed to sit in my room 24/7 with my head in the books (not likely). This is where you come in - Please Pray!

# For what I have learnt at college. (JV)
# School is going well. (AV)

# Continued good time with God as a couple.
# Study. (JV)
# School reports. (AV)
# Study. (JV)
# Busy times coming up & good rest.
# Study. (JV)

1 comment:

Dave Miers said...

prayed for you both.

hope study + exams go well... and that you are super-encouraged after your study and exams because of the profound subject content you're dealing with!
